
Hyper Growth Digital Marketing Hacks for High-End Luxury Brands

For the majority of luxury products, retail was still a viable distribution channel in 2011. Even while online sales were on the rise, customers were still hesitant to spend large sums of money on things they hadn’t seen in person.

That hesitancy has now vanished. Online sales of luxury goods total around £17 billion, or about 8 percent of global sales.

Mobile phones of a decade ago are nothing like today’s portable touchscreen computers, which allow us to search and compare luxury goods and anything else in a matter of seconds.

New research by students of the International Master in Luxury Management (IMLUX) programme found that 80 percent of sales are now “digitally influenced,” up from 45 percent just seven years ago.

What does it mean? Four out of five buyers visited “digital touchpoints” at least twice before making a purchase on their purchasing trips. Bloggers, influencers, and other social media peers who consumers look to for guidance are examples of touchpoints over which brands have no control.

In order to increase sales and build meaningful online relationships with more of their target demographic, luxury firms are investing significantly more money in these newest kinds of marketing.

With an emphasis on luxury businesses’ websites and social media efforts, this article examines the most successful digital marketing strategies.

SEO (Search Engine Marketing)

For established brands, online searches for their most well-known products have a built-in advantage.

Consider the brands Pandora and Tiffany’s, both of which have been enormously successful.

On Google’s organic (non-advertised) search results, Pandora bracelets, Pandora charms, Tiffany engagement rings, and Tiffany & Co. necklaces are all shown at the top of the list.

No one from either organisation succumbed to the temptation of depending on their brands’ power and recognizability to drive traffic.

For non-brand-specific terms like “promise rings,” “earrings,” “bracelets,” and “charms,” Pandora’s keyword-driven SEO strategy and URL structure result in them taking the top spot in the rankings. Similarly, Tiffany’s comes out on top for “women jewellery,” “store jewellery,” and “genuine pearls necklace,” among other categories.

Keywords that are relevant to your product line but do not include your brand name in the search query should be the focus of your keyword strategy. Because of this, you’ll be able to compete with other high-end companies while also selling to customers who can afford your products but may not have thought of your brand when making a buy.

That hesitancy has now vanished. Online sales of luxury goods total around £17 billion, or about 8 percent of global sales.

Mobile phones of a decade ago are nothing like today’s portable touchscreen computers, which allow us to search and compare luxury goods and anything else in a matter of seconds.

New research by students of the International Master in Luxury Management (IMLUX) programme found that 80 percent of sales are now “digitally influenced,” up from 45 percent just seven years ago.

What does it mean? Four out of five buyers visited “digital touchpoints” at least twice before making a purchase on their purchasing trips. Bloggers, influencers, and other social media peers who consumers look to for guidance are examples of touchpoints over which brands have no control.

In order to increase sales and build meaningful online relationships with more of their target demographic, luxury firms are investing significantly more money in these newest kinds of marketing.

With an emphasis on luxury businesses’ websites and social media efforts, this article examines the most successful digital marketing strategies.

Creating compelling content that tells your brand's story

In the same way Pandora and Tiffany’s regularly update their blogs, Google loves websites that are regularly updated.

Most of your written content should be pillar-content—material that is so comprehensive and generous with its information that others link to it.

Articles about your products or company’s past, as well as articles that provide visitors with the information they need to make an informed decision about purchasing from you. Tell visitors why your business exists and what you do and why you do it.

In addition, video marketing has interesting possibilities. When it comes to the destinations they take clients to, a luxury tour operator may want to write lengthy articles about the history, best restaurants, and art opportunities in the area – backed up by a 2-3 minute video to further immerse their visitors.

Your social media channels and email newsletters can be used to extract more value from any type of information.

Boost interest in your products by creating buzz.

Some firms prefer to sell online, while others prefer to have a face-to-face conversation with a potential customer first.

Don’t assume you’ll see them again once they’ve visited a page where a transaction can be made or where they can provide their contact information for future follow-up.

Showcase your brand and explain why the product or service that someone is interested in is their best interest by using convincing writing, gorgeous images, and entertaining videos. If you can, include customer and reviewer testimonials to demonstrate to the site’s visitor, why others believe your brand and the products you sell are the perfect choice. “Social proof” is an important aspect of any luxury brand’s appeal.

The debate over whether or not Apple is a luxury brand is ongoing. Because of how they show it on their website, people perceive their items to be top-of-the-range, attractive, and elegant. Even if it’s only a phone.

Create an Email List/Newsletter

If you want to build a relationship with your visitors, encourage them to sign up for your newsletter.

Up to 2,500% ROI is possible with email marketing. It’s not uncommon for firms to utilise email marketing as an opportunity to send their customers promotions one after the other, but luxury brands should use it differently. There are many reasons why individuals buy luxury goods and services, but one of the most common is that they want to be associated with a lifestyle.

Emails should be as much a part of your company’s identity as any direct mail campaign you would put out.’ A well-thought-out and visually appealing email should be an integral part of your overall external communications and marketing strategy.

Creating an atmosphere of exclusivity

The initial fears that an internet presence would diminish the exclusivity of luxury products and services have been disproven. Contrary to popular belief, some believe the inverse may be true.

When it comes to displaying one’s social position, possessing a luxury product may be more important than ever before.

As a result, consumers are more aware of the quality and exclusivity of these products thanks to increasing access to information on the internet. These products and services have seen an increase in demand as a result of their increased visibility, but that need remains unfulfilled because the prices they are supplied at are typically too high for most consumers to afford. Over time, the apparent exclusivity grows as a result of this lack of fulfilment.

Online, you can create a sense of exclusivity for your actual clients by utilising a combination of:

– Rewards for being a loyal customer, as those provided by luxury magazine SWM to its clients

– Concierge services

– Groups for the exclusive use of members alone.

Combining the online and offline worlds by bringing customers to events like launch parties where they can meet and interact with like-minded supporters will further build their existing loyalty and increase the likelihood of selling more frequently to this critical cohort.

Functional and visually appealing user experience (UX)

As a result, customers want all companies’ websites to be mobile-friendly.

For a typical website, 55% of its traffic is generated by mobile devices. Desktop visitors spend an average of 4 minutes and 50 seconds more time on a website than mobile visitors.

Mobile users want to be able to easily navigate a website, and they don’t expect to have to put in a lot of effort to get what they’re looking for.

Social media for luxury brands

According to the Business of Fashion, premium clientele post twice as often as the typical user, interact three times more frequently, and consume five times as much material as the rest of the user population. Within six hours of their weekly schedules, Gen Z will be responsible for 45 percent of all luxury brand sales in 2025.


The use of visual social media

Many luxury goods are prized for their aesthetics as much as the quality of the raw materials used in their construction. Luxury service providers, on the other hand, supply their consumers with moments and experiences that they may share with their friends and followers.

To express a brand’s narrative through photographs and videos, Instagram is an excellent platform. Through user-generated content, you may build a community by encouraging your followers and clients to share their experiences with each other.

Luxury businesses would do well to pay attention to the 460 million people who use Pinterest.


Using social media to boost sales and traffic to your website

Facebook Ads may give highly focused advertising to your core consumers that they can immediately act upon to order from you for luxury brands that are comfortable with social media marketing.

Whether you’re a small business or a luxury brand, social media gives you the opportunity to build a personal relationship with your customers. Some of your material, even if it isn’t primarily intended to generate new purchases and visitors for your website, should be.

When you interact with potential customers on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, your business is merely a guest, with no say in how the site functions or the rules that govern it. A newsletter subscription or a purchase gives you the opportunity to collect the contact information from social media followers who come to your site where you have full control.

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